Because I am from Florida, I like to watch Police Women of Broward County. However, I despise the blonde cop with the pulled back hair. Every time she busts some "big" time dealer for a tiny bag of weed or a handful of pills, she acts like she put Al Capone away, or Jack the Ripper. I literally roll my eyes when she blathers on about "putting away another bad guy". I realize drug dealers are detrimental to society, but she acts like going undercover and baiting these poor fools into selling an itty bitty amount of narcotics or microscopic amount of marijuana makes her cop of the year. She may not look like your average cop on a power trip, but that's what she is.
South Florida has terrible violent crime, people shooting and killing each other constantly, major cocaine kingpins moving kilos of coke in through mules carrying up their butts, in exchange for getting to come to the U.S to avoid desperate poverty in third world central America, and she acts like she's doing something major to help put "bad guys" away.
Looks like this guy agrees:
Here is a promo, where she tells us there's always a good time to use a taser:
I know some very upstanding, hardworking law enforcement officers, but I don't think any of them would be on a reality show, which tells you something right there.
Now, onto a much better show - Dual Survival! I absolutely love Cody and Dave:
Being a bit of a neurotic, I began initially to be interested in survival shows, just to be prepared in case either myself, or any of my friends were to unexpectedly find ourselves dropped in the jungles of Peru. Or, say if our helicopter crashes somewhere in the Andes. OR, if I happen to be in the middle of the Pacific ocean and have to abandon ship and need to know how to survive in a lifeboat with no supplies for a month. You know, things that happen to me all the never.
So, now I've seen pretty much every episode of I Shouldn't Be Alive, I'm Alive, Dual Survival and Man Vs. Wild. If you need to know how to make a fire w/nothing but some sticks and elephant poop, ask me. If you need to know how to desalinate water with a tin can and some copper piping, ask me. If you want to know how to keep your head cool in the salt flats of Mexico, ask me, (hint: wear a bandanna, you may or may not have to pee on it, and then wear it on your head afterwards).
Too bad I am a huge germphobe. If I'm stranded on the side of a mountain during an avalanche, it will be difficult to hold onto my giant size package of Wet Wipes....
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